Our Policies We Value

Our Quality Policy

  • Understanding and meeting customer expectations and ensuring customer satisfaction,
  • Increasing efficiency by preventing errors and waste,
  • To continuously improve by adopting the 0 error principle in all our processes,
  • To ensure the participation of our employees in continuous improvement through teamwork,
  • Acting with the awareness that individual and institutional development will ensure social development
  • To work in cooperation with our suppliers based on solution partnership and continuous development principles,
  • To use our resources in the most effective way and contribute to sustainable development with social responsibility awareness,
  • To ensure the satisfaction of our customers, employees and all stakeholders by complying with the law, business and social ethics in all our activities,
  • Using the most appropriate materials and technology for the environment and OHS,
  • Ensuring that each process owner is the leader of his or her own process, and encouraging this leader to guide, support and continuously improve his team with a process approach and risk / opportunity-based thinking,

Our Environment and Energy Policy

  • Dynaress; To ensure the continuity of environment-energy management systems by complying with the national and international legal regulations regarding the environment and energy, as well as the UN Sustainable Development goals,
  • To carry out energy efficiency de-carbonization projects to reduce greenhouse gases resulting from production activities and to engage in activities that will increase the use of renewable energy resources,
  • To prevent negative impacts on the environment that may arise from our activities, to engage in activities that will reduce air, water, soil pollution and noise with effective solutions based on the best available technologies
  • Acts in accordance with all legal regulations regarding the purchase, transportation, storage, use and disposal of hazardous wastes that will occur after use of chemical substances to be used during production, and does not use prohibited materials during production,
  • Human resources, technology, infrastructure, finance, etc. required for Environmental Protection, Energy Efficiency and Reducing the use of Natural Resources. to provide resources,
  • It aims to develop, disseminate and maintain environmental awareness throughout our organization, before all stakeholders; encourages our business network to pursue responsible environmental activities,
  • Minimizing waste at the source and ensuring the recycling of our generated waste, reducing environmental impacts during disposal,
  • To engage in activities that will support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to attach importance to risks and opportunities on issues that will affect future generations such as reducing the effects of climate change, biodiversity and animal welfare, and to protect the ecosystem with action plans,
  • It undertakes to work in harmony with the published Occupational Health and Safety Policy, to increase awareness of responsibility on environmental and energy issues by organizing training and awareness activities for all our stakeholders, and to support their awareness of our environmental and energy policy.

Our OHS Policy

  • Dynaress; To improve, review and monitor our occupational health and safety performance by setting measurable and applicable targets in order to achieve the ideals of “Zero Work Accident” and “Zero Occupational Disease”, which are our main goals,
  • To ensure continuity in line with all applicable laws, regulations, national and international legislation regarding occupational health and safety,
  • To ensure that employees adopt a risk-oriented thinking model to protect their well-being, health and safety, and to eliminate risks by identifying hazards,
  • It expects them to contribute to the development of the OHS culture by actively involving all employees in their areas of responsibility in all processes of occupational health and safety, by making them properly aware of their rights, duties and responsibilities, and before all stakeholders; encourages our business network to pursue responsible activities in the field of OSH,
  • To establish OHS goals and targets in order to prevent the risks of occupational accidents and occupational diseases that may occur due to our activities and to continuously improve Occupational Health and Safety performance,
  • Declares and undertakes to lead in adopting the principle of “Occupational Health and Safety First” and to provide all necessary resources in this direction.